Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 3: Friday

Friday... more hectic than Thursday

I had soccer at 8AM then I walked to a class around 9:30AM. We received prizes for winning Bingo over the past week. I got a Laffy Taffy, a lollipop, an air head, and a some play-dough. I want to remind you all I am not five...

We also decorated our shirts for a scrimmage on Saturday that was to take place after our car wash fundraiser. Well, while were all at someone's house from like 3 to 7 it begins to storm and grows very dark. If you were near the beach you could say the clouds made it seem as if a tornado was coming... there wasn't.

On ride home it poured so hard that the wind sheilds couldn't keep up. Not to mention you could see the bolt of lightening flashing in the night sky. And I don't mean just the light I mean like actual streaking, Harry Potter lightening bolt! I also managed to hit a bush getting out of the car resulting in a really wet back.

Yup, they cancelled the car wash that night.

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