Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day 37: Saturday

I woke up early to referee two games...

I spent most of the day lounging around doing nothing. Around 5-ish I finally got together with a friend and we walked the bran spankin new sidewalks they just put in. I made sure to complain about how for four years i walked home through bumpy yards and huge dog poop piles and then once I no longer have to walk we get sidewalks...

We went to the park but there were too many people there so we left. Then we went to a friends house he wasn't home. So we went to someone else's house and she was home. So we joked around. Made her a facebook and then went home. I had fun though.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 36: A New Idea

Story Idea:

Some of us are lucky enough to live out our childhood the way we wanted. Some get to hold on to their youth. Some of us grow up...

Some of us grow up through the realities of life...
The realities of money...
The realities of being an adult...
The realities of loneliness...

But we look for the light in each other and even if that moment is a half an hour every weekend, it still means something. It is our way of holding on to what remains of our youth.

The sad fact of life is that were only beginning the transition for what is to come...
We are only freshmen...

Day 25-35

Adjustment. Reality. Exhaustion. Compromises. Happiness? What does it all mean?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Day 24: Saturday

I slept 10 hours today. I have soccer everyday plus homework and I wake up at 6am each morning. I don't get that much sleep. I also watched I Love You, Man and discovered how retarted Facebook can get. I am currently searching for Bartemus on YWS (YoungWritersSociety)

Day 23: Sept 11

May today be the day we all remember that the Unites States of America came together as part of her was being killed and her people knew there was nothing that could be done to stop the pain. 9/11 ... seven years later

Friday. The football game was cancelled. Soccer practice was cancelled and so was the game for the following day.

Major storm. Cold out so teachers had windows open. My school has no ceiling since there putting the vent system in this year so we can have AC next year. Still hate english class.

Soccer party. It was a lot of fun but I look like crap in some of the pictures.... oh my god my mom just let one rip in the next room... and yet she's asleep... maybe it was the dog.

Day 22: Sept 10

Thursday. Really, really, really windy. Still had soccer practice. But my ACL leg is like old people's joints it feels weaker in bad weather. That and the fact I was sick and felt like I was gonna throw up made the coaches ask me to sit out for a bit.

Day 21: Sept 9

it was wednesday right? I chose to watch season finale of Leverage rather than watch Glee :(

Day 20: Sept 8

First day of High School. Um... talk bout hectic. I hate my english class, love my math class, don't understand why theres like no one I know in my classes. And we had a soccer game after school. We tied 1-1, but we should have won. Several people got hurt.

Day 19: Sept. 7

It was labor day. My family had a BBQ. I invited my two best friends over. One was going away for school and we wouldn't see her so my other friend and I made these goodbye videos. They came out to be so random and funny. The first video we had made the audio didn't work so I sped it up like 5x then added Bunny Hill music.

So after my BBQ we went to my friends house for her sisters birthday. I reminded her sister that I'd said the day before I'd be back for cake!!! We hung out til like 8:30 when we finally got melted ice cream cake. We said our goodbyes to our friend that was going away. I stayed til 9ish. I only got ice cream cake... there was cake from chuckie cheese but I didn't get to try it :(.

It was the last day of summer...

Day 18: Sept 6

Sunday... ugh what did I do oh I remember!!!

THis was a fun day. My friend invited me to go to the Wading River with her, which is basically a gigantic realistic lazy river. We were in the water for 2hrs. And it was freezing. It was fun. We left the adults behind and my friend, her sister, and I went ahead. We joked and got slighty hurt and nuts. Overall I had a great time. But by the end my teeth were chattering so loud people were starring.

We had to wait for the adults who had the car keys because we were locked out. Finally I asked someone "Have you seen two people and a cooler?" the guy was like um ya there pretty far down. So we stayed in the water at the end point then eventually got out and started walking along the path. Turns out the adults got tired and froze too so had gotten out of the water. One waited with the rafts while the other went back to get the car. We met half way and then walking back almost got ran over by a truck.

Best day of summer ever!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Day 17: Haha... ugh amazing day...

Today, I found myself bagging at Shoprite once again for another hour and a half. A lady thought I worked there and kept asking me to go get stuff for her from isles. She didn't get it that I was a volunteer.

Around 3ish my friend came over. We were making videos for another friend who is going away to Boarding School. By the time we were finished we had made over 25mins worth of videos. My friend went home early not feeling well. At the end of our final video I was summing things up and to make the end of it fun. I made a freak ass noise and moved really close to the camera with my tongue sticking out. Funniest thing ever!!!

She ended up having a co-ed sleepover with the person we were making the videos for and with another friend. He fell asleep before eleven.

I bugged my friend because she invited me to go to 'the river' tomorrow. Not knowing what that meant and having worry wart parents, I bugged her until she answered all my questions. I hate doing that, but my parents would kill me otherwise. Ugh...

I did manage to get one summer reading questions done. I'll probably redo it. And right now I'm curious what my dad is doing. He snuck back down stair, across the house, and is now on his computer. He has been on there for 15 minutes now. He also left the dog upstairs. I hope he chews stuff up...

Day 16: Friday

Was bagging at Shoprite for donations for soccer team for and hour and a half. My mom stayed as a chaperone with another parent. Old people don't like to make donations apparently... not all old people, but just saying.

Went to school at 3:45 to catch bus for scrimmage. JV scrimmage was cancelled since the other team didn't have enough players. Varsity still had a game. JV had practice til 4:15...

Day 15: Thursday

Watched a tv show online, read a bit. Had soccer at 7am... was excited for scrimmage on Friday...

Day 14: Wednesday

Soccer at 2:30... made myself an ankle bracelet.

Day 13: Tuesday

Soccer at 2:30 ... considered finishing summer reading questions, but didn't. Watched the mini-series Red VS. Blue online.

Day 12: Monday

Soccer practice at um ... when did i have it??? Oh no on Monday I went to watch a varsity scrimmage. I had fun hanging out with JV. The varsity team won 3-1.

Day 11: Sunday

Ugh.. I believe I started Milkweed. Read everything except for 40 pages. That was my day...